Bookkeeping & Multiservice, LLC
"Your Bookkeeper online"
Choose the Type of Entity You'd Like to Form
LLC is the most popular entity type for small businesses, but it's not for everyone. We've provided descriptions of some common entity types to help you choose.
LLC (Limited Liability Company)
The most popular for small business. Some benefits are:
Limited liability for business debts and obligations
Pass-through taxes and enhanced credibility
No residency requirement
S Corporation
Avoid "double taxation" of corporate income and shareholder dividends with this federal tax status. Benefits of an S Corp include:
Limited liability for directors, officers, shareholders, and employees
Pass-through taxes and once-a-year tax filing requirement
Investment opportunities and perpetual existence
C Corporation
The most common type of corporation in the U.S. Benefits of a C Corp include:
Limited liability for directors, officers, shareholders, and employees
Enhanced credibility and certain tax advantages
Unlimited growth through the sale of stock and perpetual existence
Nonprofit Corporation
Ideal for organizations involved in educational, scientific, religious, or charitable endeavors. Benefits of a nonprofit corporation include:
Possible exemption from certain property, federal, and state taxes
Official nonprofit status to attract potential donors
Donations to the nonprofit corporation may be tax-deductible
State Filing Fees
The following is a list of corporation and LLC filing fees by state, as every state has different mandated filing fees. This list will help your to quickly get information about incorporating in your state. As all of our package pricing is quoted exclusive of filing fees, once you decide on a filing package, the appropriate state filing fee will be added to your order total.