Bookkeeping & Multiservice, LLC
"Your Bookkeeper online"
Bookkeeping Service
Whether you are starting-up a business, or have a growing business, or a mature corporation, BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE has the expertise to help you. Through prompt and timely service, along with an intimate knowledge of the rules and regulations, we can keep you ahead of government deadlines, maintain order in your internal financial systems, and reduce the headaches that come with owning a business.
Why hire staff? Let BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE do your monthly bookkeeping at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee.

Accurate financial statements every month
Bookkeeping is the last thing you want to be worrying about. With BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE, you can count on your books being up-to-date and finished on time, every time.
We track every detail
Tax time doesn't leave room for errors. BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE ensures accuracy for your books and peace of mind for you.
Neatly organized year-end financials
BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE will package up all your monthly financial statements at year end, so you don't have to scramble.
Tax time support
We don't want you to worry about filing your taxes, so we'll work hard to make sure that tax season goes smoothly.
List of some benefits
Personal Service: We provide personal service for each of our clients.
Secured: QuickBooks Online is a software cloud based, program which use bank level security and encryption to keep your information safe. Cloud based means nothing stored on a computer’s hard drive.
Low Cost: You receive specialized service without paying house bookkeeper cost (health insurance, retirement, taxes, office space, computer, office supplies, electricity, etc.). OUR FEES ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Easily Accessible: If you have questions? You will hear from us immediately with EasyChat or phone between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM CDT, or within 24 hours (except during weekends and holidays).
No more Piles of Papers: We will be setting up 80 plus percent of online access to: Bank Statements, Credit Card Statements, Payroll Reports and Vendor Bills. We are also pleased to provide you with a high-quality scanner, which will allow you to quickly email documents in PDF that we can't get online access to. Or use your phone to take pictures of the receipt, upload it to your bookkeeper app, and throw it away.
See Your Financial Pictures Easily: Using QuickBooks Online make easy to see and accessible anytime and anywhere with your smartphone.
Tax time support: We don't want you to worry about filing your taxes, so we will work hard to make sure that tax season goes smoothly.
If you'd like more information of any of these services, or if you want we help you take charge of your finances now, please contact us!

Pricing is further discussed during your FREE consultation. Just as we are all different so are out business. I will create the best package for your business needs. No Contract, only 30 days cancellation notice if your needs are not being met.
The Handyman
Self-Employee - $ 49/month
QuickBooks Self-Employee free
Account setup (if applicable)​
Separate business and personal expenses
Automatic mileage tracking
Create and send invoices on the go
Maximize your Schedule C deductions
Quarterly estimated taxes calculated automatically
Email support unlimited
Basic Service
From $ 99/month
QuickBooks Online free (QBO)
Account setup (if applicable)
Record financial activity.
Classify financial activity.
Reconcile financial activity.
Present financial statement based on financial activity
Balance Sheet.
Income Statement.
Statement of Cash Flow.
Email support unlimited.
Additional Services
Budgeting and Benchmarking.
Accounts payable management.
Accounts receivable management.
Payroll / HR services.
Revenue optimization / expense minimization.
Sales tax reporting services.
Personal bookkeeping.
Income tax preparation services.
1. Accept Proposal and Sign Contract
We never lock you in, even if you prepay annually. You can cancel at any time. We also make it easy to get your data out of BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE.
2. Setting You Up for Services
When you sign up for our services, we conduct a thorough assessment of your accounting needs and develop a written plan to improve efficiencies and ensure all parties are on the same page and all wheels are equally greased. We will begin optimizing your accounting system and QuickBooks version; automating and integrating with other financial systems (banks, credit cards); and developing a procedures manual defining each task to be performed.
3. Sending Us Your Documents and Data
You can set up bills to come directly to “Bookkeeping & Multiservice” to streamline processing, or you can scan and upload/fax/mail or provide data access privileges to us for your:
Vendor Bills
Bank Statements
Credit Card Statements
Time Sheets
Expense Reports
Additional Documents
4. No more Piles of Papers
We will be setting up 80 plus percent of online access to: Bank Statements, Credit Card Statements, Payroll Reports and Vendor Bills. We are also pleased to provide you with a high-quality scanner, which will allow you to quickly email documents in PDF that we can't get online access to. Or use your phone to take pictures of the receipt, upload it to your bookkeeper app, and throw it away.
5. Doing the Work - How “Bookkeeping & Multiservice” Performs Your Services
We process Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliations, Payroll, Sales Tax and all your bookkeeping needs on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and we automate bank and credit card downloads.
6. Getting Financial Information to Grow Your Business
We’ll create specialized reports based on your industry and business needs and we’ll schedule a monthly comprehensive telephone review to go over your month-end financials.
Weekly Reports
Accounts Receivable Aging
Accounts Payable Aging
Credit Card Transactions
Open Item List
Monthly Reports
Financial Reports
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
Accounts Payable Aging
Cash Flow
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
¿Dónde están ubicados?Estamos ubicados en 9900 Westpark Dr. Suite 250E, Houston, TX 77063. Pero podemos servir a clientes en todo el paÃs, gracias a la tecnologÃa.
¿Hasta qué punto están ustedes dispuesto a viajar?Trabajamos con la mayorÃa de los empresarios digitales. También servimos a los propietarios locales de las ciudades de Houston y alrededores. Podemos viajar dependiendo de la ubicación una vez por semana, mes o trimestre.
¿La contratación de ustedes para mi contabilidad me ahorrará dinero?¡SÃ! Trabajar con nosotros como su contador definitivamente le ahorrará dinero. Usted no tiene que contratar a un contador de tiempo completo como un miembro del personal. ¡Tener un contador también puede evitar el pago excesivo de sus impuestos debido a los libros no organizados! ¡Especialmente en tiempo de impuestos!
¿La subcontratación de mi contabilidad será segura?La seguridad es nuestra práctica número uno. Nuestros equipos con los que trabajamos, desde computadora de escritorio y portátil, están seguros y tienen software de encriptado de contraseña instalado. Su información financiera es seria y confidencial. Todos los miembros actuales y futuros del equipo firman los formularios NDA legalmente vinculantes.
¿Cómo empiezo a trabajar con ustedes?Llámenos al (713) 900-5904, envÃenos un correo electrónico a contact@latinomultiservices.net, o haga una cita en www.mybookkeepersonline.com/contact. Quién sabe, podemos hacer un gran matrimonio de contabilidad! Si nos ponemos de acuerdo, le enviamos para completar un formulario de admisión para que podamos establecer una consulta oficial.
¿Puedo cancelar en cualquier momento?Absolutamente. Nunca te encerramos, incluso si pagas por adelantado anualmente. También facilitamos la obtención de sus datos de BOOKKEEPING & MULTISERVICE.
Sólo necesito servicios de contabilidad temporal. ¿Me puedes ayudar?Estamos más que feliz de darle ayuda con la contabilidad temporal.
No tengo una aplicacion para la contabilidad. Tengo que comprar una?¡No! Nosotros le vamos a instalar una aplicación (QuickBooks Online o Xero).
Actualmente estoy usando QuickBooks Desktop, ¿necesito otro software?"Nosotros somos QuickBooks Online Certified ProAdvisor y podemos migrar toda su información en forma segura a QuickBooks Online.
Soy un Trabajador por Cuenta Propia; Como pueden ayudarme a mejorar mi finanzas?Podemos ayudar a separar su negocio de los gastos personales y le instalamos QuickBooks Self-Employed, y de esta forma podra ahorrar mucho dinero a la hora de hacer sus impuestos.
Acabo de comprar un sistema de contabilidad basado en la nube, pero no tengo ni idea por dónde empezar. ¿Me puede ayudar a usar esto de manera eficiente?"¡SÃ! ¡Soy ProAdvisors certificado para Xero y Quickbooks en lÃnea! Estoy feliz de ayudarte.
¡Acabo de comenzar mi negocio y no tenÃa ni idea de por dónde empezar con mi contabilidad! ¿Cómo empiezo?Nos encanta ayudar a los empresarios en crecimiento! Ofrecemos capacitación en contabilidad para ayudarle a entender sus libros.
¿Haces impuestos?SÃ, preparamos la declaración de impuestos individuales y comerciales.